So I can't claim this idea. It came from a friend...and I knew I had to try it out with the Hurst Beans. And boy, oh boy. It worked. And by golly, it's delicious! So all you vegetarians out there, this one's for you! (And anyone else who likes pot pie too!) (Beans are much cheaper than chicken...just sayin'.) It's amazing that something so simple can be so … [Read more...]
BBQ Chicken Topped Potatoes
I've been on a potato kick lately. Big, big potato kick. Totally pregnancy related. But still, a big kick. I think it's the butter. I generally eat a low-fat diet and I sense that when baby needs to grow and needs some fat, I crave potatoes. Because my body knows that I will slather butter all over them and get some good fat into the potato. (Amazing, I think, how the … [Read more...]
Mashed Potatoes with Caramelized Onion
I think I need a support group. Specifically, a Caramelized Onions support group. I could eat caramelized onions by the spoonful. I love the way they taste. I love the way they make my house smell when they are caramelizing. And I love the way they make mashed potatoes taste better. I will be taking these to our Thanksgiving feast. Rest assured. Mashed Potatoes with … [Read more...]
Iced Caramel Coffee Punch
This is a repost of one of my favorite drinks ever. So a couple weeks ago I was at a Pampered Chef party and my friend Stephany served an "iced coffee punch." I'm not much of a coffee drinker. I generally only drink it when I need to clear the fog after a rough night's sleep, which is only about once a month these days. But when I do have to give into the caffeine and … [Read more...]
BBQ Meatball Sliders
So this is my first "set" of meatballs since moving to Texas. And I thought making BBQ style ones would only be appropriate...seeing as how there is a BBQ joint on every second corner around here. (At least it seems that way!) I had some dinner rolls I'd picked up "on special" and some meat in the freezer. These sliders would be perfect alongside my Spicy … [Read more...]
Homemade Break ‘n Bake Cookies
Two cookie dough posts in one week. You'd think I was pregnant and craving cookies or something. (Oh wait.) Actually, I really should have included this in Monday's How to Freeze Cookie Dough article, but we'll let this one stand on its own. I love gifting people with homemade cookie dough. And this is a simple and easy way to do it! Scoop into groups of … [Read more...]
How to Freeze Cookie Dough
Do you know the reason why you should freeze cookie dough?! Here I explain why you should freeze cookie dough and how to properly freeze cookie dough! I've shared a few of my tips for how to freeze cookie dough in the past, and I wanted to revisit it again as we move into the holiday baking season. I'm planning on doing a couple of "dough makes" in November, as … [Read more...]
Spiderweb Cupcakes
My quadruplets' birthday is this week and somehow they always end up with a Halloween themed birthday party since they were born in October. I've made a ton of Halloween themed treats over the years, but so far these spiderweb cupcakes have been their favorite. I made three dozen of these to take to their school for snack time yesterday and all of the kids went crazy for the … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Spice Baked Oatmeal
So we've had a handful of "brisk" mornings here in San Antonio. And by "brisk," I mean the temp has dropped below 70. Which must mean fall is here because I've seen a number of people out wearing sweatshirts. Or my blood is already starting to thin out some, because it's really not that cool?! While it may feel warm outside still, it's starting to feel like fall as we … [Read more...]
Caramelized Onion Grilled Cheese
While it's difficult to say what my favorite soup is...because I love soup. All kinds of soups. But at the top of the list is French Onion Soup. With a thick-ole slice of bread and topped with Swiss cheese. Nom. I didn't realize this would happen when I was making this sandwich, but turns tastes just like French Onion Soup. Just less drippy :) I don't eat a lot … [Read more...]