Video #1: The What, The Why and The Who of Meal Planning
Video #2: The What Kinds and How-To's of Meal Planning
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Want me to do the meal planning for you?! 

Here's more about our meal plan programs that I shared in the workshop videos. 

Make 10 meals in an hour’s time. Yup, totally possible.

We carefully select recipes for our apps that require little to no pre-cooking, so you can quickly and efficiently get them ready for the freezer.

Our meal plans and videos are designed to help you quickly put together delicious meals, so you can spend your time on what matters to you.
Another option we have for you...

our WEEKLY MEAL PLAN program.

We heard from families that they hate meal planning because it's time consuming, boring, stressful, and they'd much rather spend that time with their families!

We got you!  We will send you a delicious meal plan where every meal will cost about $2 per person, and in most cases less. (I make these meals for my family of 6 for $5 per meal!)

We will save you money, save you time, and save you the stress of having to spend hours each week planning your meals instead of enjoying quality time with your family, unwinding with your favorite show/book/beverage, or whatever else you'd rather be doing!

Copyright 2020 | 5 Dollar Dinners LLC