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For the past 7 years (yes, the ‘7th blog birthday’ is later this week!!!) I’ve been on a mission to help people save money on groceries.
Along the way, I’ve also learned how important it is to save time and sanity too. As a working mom with 4 boys with active school and social calendars, I get how frantic life is. But no matter how frantic life gets, I still have to feed my dudes. They pretty much never stop eating (at least it feels that way!) and the ONLY way that I can keep up with them, their nutritional needs without losing my mind completely is by having a meal plan, even a breakfast, lunch and snack plan!
And that’s why we’ve created the $5 Meal Plan. It is a weekly meal planning service that sends you a delicious meal plan and shopping list every single week for just $5 a month.
The weekly meal plans are designed by me and include 6 dinner recipes, 1 new breakfast recipe, 1 new lunch recipe and 2 dessert/snack/beverage/side dish recipe.
Over the past year, we’ve worked with over 30,000 families and the number 1 reason why folks don’t continue is that they felt overwhelmed about having to implement a meal plan into their existing routine.
Changing routines is HARD. (Our family is in the middle of a giant routine change with new school, new routes to school, new office space for me, etc.)
We understand this struggle and that’s why we want to help ease you into using a new meal plan with this 4 week process.
For a limited time, we’re offering a free four-week “ease into it” course where we send you shortened meal plan each week for 4 weeks, that build up into a regular sized one weekly meal plan.
For four weeks, we will send you one email each week with a simple meal plan.
- The first week’s plan has just two recipes and a short shopping list – two of our most popular recipes. That’s two nights you don’t have to think about what to cook. Two nights you can try our recipes to see if they work for your family.
- As the weeks pass, you get slightly longer plans with new recipes – nice and easy.
We will slowly help you incorporate using the meal plans in your everyday life. At the end, if you like what you see, we invite you to join us for a free 14-day trial to receive the full weekly meal plans. That’s it!
We are limiting the number of spots in this course, so don’t hesitate to join! (<—Learn more by clicking that link, or drop your email in the box below!)
It’s completely free…all we need to know is your email address and we will get your “ease into it” meal plans sent your way! 🙂
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