Y'all. I went through my about 8 different titles before settling on the "side dish" addition. It started as salad...but that was before I tasted it warm. Then I decided that salad was the wrong and perhaps pilaf would be better. But then I tasted it after it had chilled. And I was back to salad. Then I thought this would make the perfect lunch for a chilly fall day. But it's … [Read more...]
Zesty Egg Salad
I <3 egg salad. I really, really <3 egg salad. (I wish that I could include a cute little puffy, pounding heart...because I really like and love egg salad.) If I'm not having a green salad for lunch, chances are I'm having egg salad, on a sandwich or with pita chips. Well, I recently gave my typical egg salad a makeover by including some horseradish and green onions. … [Read more...]
Grilled Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches
So we've turned up the A/C downstairs to help keep the utility bill as low as possible, and I've already found myself not using the oven much anymore! That means the majority of our dinners are being cooked outside. (And those that aren't grilled are "no-cook" dinners, as in the case of last night, when I served fruit and cereal because Steve was out of town!) I always say that … [Read more...]
Strawberry Spinach Quinoa Salad
Hello lovely. Yes, this is a lovely, lovely salad. It's lovely because it combines a few of my favorite flavors (strawberry, spinach and almonds). It's lovely because it tasted light, but the quinoa made the me feel full. And it's even lovelier because it is made of "ingredients I had on hand." Otherwise known as "popular ingredients that most people have"...because I don't … [Read more...]
B-L-Tomatillo Sandwich
So y'all, this is Tyler and he is quite the little heartbreaker. Not only in this photo, but in life too. He is a character, so full of fun and personality and he's just a delight to be around! A few weeks ago, I met up with my long time friend in Fredricksburg to take pictures of the boys in the bluebonnets. My mom had purchased each one of the older boys an adorable … [Read more...]
Honey Mustard Salmon Salad
My husband loves salmon, but it is rather expensive when you have to buy it at the grocery store. One way that I add salmon onto our menu without breaking the budget is by using it in salads. I only need 6 - 8 ounces of salmon to create a flavorful salad. My husband and kids love salmon and could probably eat it broiled without any seasoning. I don't like fish as much as … [Read more...]
Baja-Cali Black Bean Salad
So this was my lunch yesterday and today. And I'm thinking about whipping up another bowlful this weekend to serve with some yummy grilled chicken (if it warms back up enough to be pleasant for eating outdoors! Brr!). And whipping up is probably not the best verb here...because there is no whipping involved. Just stirring really. So maybe I'll stir up another bowlful this … [Read more...]
Fried Egg Caesar Salad
I adore a good salad and in the past have enjoyed chopped, boiled eggs on a Caesar salad, and decided to spin off of that idea! Using a well-fried egg on top of a Caesar salad. So simple, but different. Result: Scrumptious. The fried egg with the salt and pepper...on top of a pepper-y salad with a salty dressing...a great complement. (But don't fret...it wasn't "too … [Read more...]
Pizza Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Growing up my mom often made tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. And I'll be honest, it wasn't one of my favorite meals. But when I saw Erin's Carmelized Onion Grilled Cheese, I thought, "Now that's a grilled cheese sandwich!" Her adaptation made me start thinking of ways I could alter traditional grilled cheese sandwiches to make them more appealing to my children. (and … [Read more...]
Caramelized Onion Grilled Cheese
While it's difficult to say what my favorite soup is...because I love soup. All kinds of soups. But at the top of the list is French Onion Soup. With a thick-ole slice of bread and topped with Swiss cheese. Nom. I didn't realize this would happen when I was making this sandwich, but turns out...it tastes just like French Onion Soup. Just less drippy :) I don't eat a lot … [Read more...]