I'm sharing 10 of my favorite healthy snack ideas over on SCJohnson.com. And for those of you who have a lose weight goal or resolution in this new year, I challenge you to look more closely at what foods you are putting in your grocery cart...Read on... What is your favorite healthy snack?!? (These days, mine are the Clementine oranges! Or a yummy trail mix, pictured … [Read more...]
Black Bean and Cheese Tacos
4 Ingredients. 4 Minutes. You could have these ready in the same amount of time it takes the kids to unload their backpacks, change into play clothes and geth their homework lined up on the table. I'll show you how it's done! Minute 1: Get out a can of black beans, open it, drain it and dump it in a bowl. Reach into the fridge for the salsa, shredded cheese … [Read more...]
Peanut Butter Banana-dillas
Another favorite, 2 minute after school snack. Peanut Butter Banana-dillas. We don't do quesadillas because we don't do cheese. But we can do banana-dillas because we do do peanut butter. (If you can't do peanuts or tree nuts, try soy nut butter.) The rules. Slather peanut butter onto half of a whole wheat tortillas. Add sliced bananas. Drizzle with honey. … [Read more...]
Strawberry Almond Bars
I absolutely love the almond flavor combined with the strawberry flavor. When I have cold cereal for breakfast, it's usually Rice Chex (or the store brand...whichever ends up being cheaper that week!) with Almond Milk and Sliced Strawberries. Simple, but so delicious. The almond and strawberry flavors are kinda like chocolate and peanut butter. They just work. These … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Applesauce
I think I've accidentally started an After School Snack series for Wednesdays. Pretzel Pops and Pretzel-wiches Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies And again...more pumpkin. We just can't get enough of it! This Pumpkin Applesauce has always been one of Ryan and Charlie's favorite snacks. And it's fast becoming one of Tyler's favorites too! The boys love to take the … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Muffins with Cinnamon-Pecan Streusel
Couple things before we get to the recipe, 'kay?! First. Are feeling like you can't get enough pumpkin in?! I think that after the pumpkin shortage of 2009 and 2010 all I want to do is make pumpkin this, or pumpkin that. After not using pumpkin in any recipes since earlier in the year (when my holiday stockpile ran out), I'm find myself trying to make up for lost pumpkin … [Read more...]
Muffin Tin Lunches
Looking for a festive way to serve lunch to your children or even to yourself?! Try the muffin tin lunch! It’s the perfect way to get a variety of healthful foods onto your plate, or muffin tin, and it’s a fun new way to eat the foods you love. (Unfortunately, I can't find the above pumpkin tin anymore in stores, but I found another one {pictured below} that would be perfect … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
UPDATED! I saw a few comments asking about the baking soda in the recipe...I have remade these a number of times in the past few weeks...with 1 tsp, 2 tsp and 1 Tbsp...I found that the 2 tsp is the best option...so I updated the recipe. The pumpkin makes the cookies very dense, so there needs to be additional rising agent. Thanks for helping me get this recipe … [Read more...]
Pesto Bruschetta
Good Monday afternoon friends! You all are in for a treat this fine Monday. You're getting a double bonus on recipes today! This one, plus another tonight for the $5 Dinner Challenge! I was working on dinner over the weekend when Steve pops into the kitchen with a few handfuls of itty bitty tomatoes. Huh? I thought the garden was "done." I haven't officially closed … [Read more...]
Pretzel-wiches and Pretzel Pops
We love these Pretzel-wiches that are shown above. They are made from waffle pretzels, peanut butter and other goodies, like sliced bananas, mini chocolate chips and chopped nuts. I love these because they've got a little protein, a little energy, and a little sweetness! Perfect combination...that everyone loves! When the children get home from school, one of two … [Read more...]