1. Ground flaxseed - We started adding ground flaxseed to our diets back when Ryan was struggling with speech delays. After much research, I learned that ground flaxseed is full of Omega 3s, which are great for brain (and speech) development. Whole flaxseed is less expensive than pre-ground flaxseed and can be ground in a coffee grinder. It does go rancid quickly, so I don't … [Read more...]
Fruit Smoothie Popsicles
Whenever we have fruit that doesn't get eaten before it starts to droop we store it in the freezer until we can use it at a later date. Bananas are super easy to freeze right in their own peel and we store strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe and other leftover fruit in plastic freezer bags for use in breads, pancakes, smoothies and these fabulous popsicles. They taste like … [Read more...]
Spicy Kale Chips and Yogurt Dip
I was not that fond of kale and initially only grew it in our garden to supplement our guinea pigs and bearded dragon's diet. When it continued to grow throughout our harsh winters filled with snow and below freezing temperatures producing more than our pets could consume, I developed a new respect for its resilience and grudgingly added it to my diet. I used it primarily as … [Read more...]
St. Patrick’s Day “Green” Smoothies
When it comes to making smoothies at our house, I like to make them as "raw" as possible. I find great comfort in knowing that I can get a glassful of nutrients that is filled with deliciousness! This particular "green smoothie," has 2 green ingredients...kale and kiwi. The kale cannot be tasted at all. The kiwi gives it a nice little zing. And the kids are sure to slurp … [Read more...]
Gluten Free Oat Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins
Here's a simple Gluten Free breakfast muffin for you...with a little chocolate-y surprise! They call for brown rice flour, and GF certified oats...both of which I had stashed on the gluten free shelf in my pantry. Stir in a few chocolate chips (here are my favorite allergy free chocolate chips), and you've got a lovely breakfast. When it comes to baking muffins or loaves … [Read more...]
Dairy-Free Chocolate Pudding
About a year ago, I was introduced to "chocomole" by Katie from Kitchen Stewardship. She included a link to a recipe in one of her e-books, "Healthy Snacks To Go" and I was intrigued. So intrigued that I made in the next week. I could not believe it. I still can't believe it. It's a dairy-free pudding. (I can't remember the last time I had pudding.) This chocomole … [Read more...]
Mango Avocado Salsa with Sweet Lime Vinaigrette
When I was in Texas over the holidays, I went rummaging through my mom's refrigerator trying to come up with a fun appetizer for a family dinner we were having. I found a mango that I was going to use in a fruit salad, but when I cut into it and discovered it was tangy and not-so-sweet, I decided we needed to add more bold flavors, to help hide the tangy mango! I ended up … [Read more...]
Guacamole – 5 Ways
The Super Bowl is just around the corner! And there's one thing that is always, without fail, sitting on the counter during the Super Bowl game at our house. As far as I'm concerned, there are a few ingredients that have to be mixed into a homemade guacamole. Must be. There are no ifs, ands or buts about these. Here goes...freshly crushed garlic cloves, fresh … [Read more...]
Maple-Walnut Muffins
When signing books in Minneapolis last week, the lovely folks at Barnes and Noble asked if I'd like to take a book with me, as a thank you. My "dessert of the month" challenge came immediately to mind, and I knew that I had to get a baking cookbook of some sort. After careful deliberation, and much drooling, over at least 20 books about baking, each with stunning photographs, I … [Read more...]
Healthy Eating…On the Road
In the past 5 weeks, I have logged over 4,000 miles in the car. A trip to Texas. A trip to Georgia. And a trip to Chicago and Minneapolis. 4,000 miles. (Just typing that makes my rear end hurt.) So while I was logging all these miles, I burned approximately 2 calories per hour. Except for the hour that I was driving "white knuckled" through some snow showers in Wisconsin. … [Read more...]