It’s back to school time! That translates to: hurry with your homework, so we aren’t late for scouts, orchestra, school meetings, OT appointments, soccer, and wait, DINNER! I love sitting down to eat as a family, but sometimes that’s just not possible. It times like those that I love the egg biscuits! I’ve even tossed one out the door at a child who “didn’t have time to … [Read more...]
Hearty Ham Breakfast Scramble
This breakfast is perfect for the mornings when you want something tasty but without much mess. As it's made in one pan and is super quick and simple, it fits the bill nicely. I think this would make a fantastic breakfast for dinner as well! The only top 8 allergen it contains is eggs! First we'll saute onion, garlic, and mushrooms until the mushrooms take on this … [Read more...]
Whole Wheat Banana Strawberry Crumb Muffins (with no sugar!)
I don't remember the last time that I made muffins "from a box." And I'm afraid if I tried muffins from a box, I wouldn't like them. They may be extra sweet...but I'm afraid they wouldn't taste real. Or good even. Since I gave up processed sugar and white flours this month, I've had to get creative with baking. I did get some wheat berries and sucanat to help make some … [Read more...]
Omelets with Caramelized Onions and Bacon Crumbles
Here's a pantry/freezer challenge meal that I made earlier this month. This was very much an experiment... And when I make it again, I'd use Swiss cheese. Not Feta. As part of making a little more room in the pantry and freezer, I have found myself rummaging through each every afternoon looking for something to concoct. Sometimes it's an old recipe from the site, other … [Read more...]
Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
The first pantry challenge recipe for this month...banana muffins. With whole wheat flour. Honey. Really, really brown bananas. And of course, chocolate chips! Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Banana muffins with whole wheat flour, honey, really ripe bananas and of course, chocolate chips! 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 tsp baking … [Read more...]
Berry Quinoa Parfait
Boy did summer come ablazin' in this year. It rained, and rained, and rained. Then was hot. Stifling hot. It's on these stifling hot days that I have no intention of turning on the oven...or letting something cook for an hour on the stove top. It's on these stifling hot days that I'm really not all the hungry. I just need something cool and light for … [Read more...]
Strawberry Rhubarb Baked Oatmeal
Now that it's rhubarb season...and the start of berry season, I thought a strawberry rhubarb baked oatmeal was in order. I took the baked oatmeal recipe from my Breakfast and Lunch Cookbook and gave it a few twists. And this is what I got... 3 stalks rhubarb. plus about 3 cups diced strawberries (that I froze recently.) Toss the strawberries and rhubarb … [Read more...]
Baked Eggs Recipe with Spinach, Tomatoes and Garlic
A baked egg recipe, made on a bed of spinach, tomatoes and garlic. Sounds so fancy and gourmet!!! But it's EASY...and so affordable! First up is spinach. And yes, this is a fancy and somewhat gourmet way to use up your spinach from the garden. First saute it with some garlic. Add some diced (or fresh) tomatoes. And some minced onion. Cook … [Read more...]
Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free Pancakes
Making gluten free anything can be tricky...especially when baking or making pancakes or waffles. I have found that baking mini-muffins or mini-loaves when using gluten free flours works best. I have also found that many gluten free pancakes are quite flat. This batch was "medium flat." Not quite as fluffy as regular wheat flour pancakes, but not flat and rubbery like other … [Read more...]
Ham and Broccoli Breakfast Casserole with Extra-Sharp Cheddar
I was at a church brunch recently and the ladies at my table started talking about egg casseroles. It was fun to hear everyone's take on them for both sides - the cooking them and the eating them. After listening contentedly for a few minutes, I chimed in with a few thoughts myself. I love to add some flare to my egg casseroles whether it be a particular spice, or a bold and … [Read more...]