We adore energy bites. I make them a few times a month for after school snacks and try to keep "stock" on hand. Most energy bites have dried fruit, some nuts, some dates and a sweetener (in this case, cherry preserves.) If I have time, I'll mix them up in the morning and put them into the fridge. It might sound crazy that I have extra time in the mornings to spend … [Read more...]
Apple & Almond Butter Sandwiches
So dipping apples in peanut butter has been a long time snack favorite around here. My older boys will happily dip apples in peanut butter for a protein punch in the afternoon, but neither of them would touch a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a ten foot pole. (I don't get it, but it is what it is.) I decided to 'put it to a test' (albeit, not really a fair test!) to … [Read more...]
Mango, Strawberry Green Smoothie
How often do you drink smoothies? Do you ever drink green smoothies? If not, you are missing out! Our entire family loves green smoothies an we are plowing through all the Make-Ahead Smoothie Packs that I made as part of the 85 Breakfasts & Snacks from Costco for $150 meal plan. Just last night, Cuatro (2 years old) pulled me into the laundry room...where I thought he … [Read more...]
Amish Baked Oatmeal
Yes, I realize this is the gazillionth baked oatmeal recipe that I've shared this month as part of the 31 Days of Breakfasts series. AND...I have another one to share on the Tuesday! At the rate we're going with baked oatmeal, I might be able to apply for a world record..."Food blog with most # of baked oatmeal recipes" - lol! Surely that's a valid category! Ok, so....I'm … [Read more...]
Overnight Homemade Granola
Granola is a fantastic and tasty breakfast...but I prefer to make it myself for a couple reasons. It's cheaper. I can control the flavor I'm gonna share 2 secrets with you today that will help you make THE PERFECT GRANOLA. (I'm not exaggerating. I'm also not shouting, I'm just really excited because it really is the perfect stuff!) These are 2 tips that I've never shared on … [Read more...]
The Importance of Being “One Step Ahead”
The plan is ready for you! 85 Freezer Friendly, Make-Ahead Breakfasts & Snacks for $140!!! Get it now! I've got a free treat for you to download from our Freebie Center...5 Grab 'N Go Breakfast Recipes! Kaboom...can you feel your mornings getting easier yet? … [Read more...]
Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip Cookies
Yup, yup. This is a super basic Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, with the chocolate chips swapped out for cinnamon chips, plus the addition of a secret spice. Two weeks ago, I snatched a couple bags from the store to try in a new recipe and ended up with some extra cinnamon chips so I made these amazing cookies. These might become 'our family cookie'... One kid likes … [Read more...]
Monkey Breakfast Salad
I'm always looking for new breakfast ideas. And when I saw this one on Pinterest, I knew instantly that it would become part of my regular rotation. I often make the kids baked oatmeal, or muffins, or scrambled eggs for breakfast, but find myself usually making something different. When they have cereal and sausage, I grab a muffin from the freezer to eat in the car during … [Read more...]
White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies
Two dudes in my family aren't fans of chocolate chip cookies. CCCs are generally my go-to cookie because I have my favorite recipe memorized and can make them from scratch without too much thought. Since there is usually some grumbling from a portion of the dude crowd whenever chocolate chip cookies are made, I'm trying to mix things up and make more oatmeal raisin type … [Read more...]
Coconut Key Lime Bread
Last week a dream came true for me. This dream has been 2 years in the making. Not long after I found out I was pregnant with Cuatro in the summer of 2012, a terrible longing for the beach came over me. Like, a crazy longing. To be at the beach, by myself...with my girlfriends. (My husband is a mountain guy, so a beach vacation with him might be a bad idea!) When you have … [Read more...]