Seriously. It works. You're just going to have to trust me on this one. (The cinnamon and cider flavors are a subtle and delicious addition to this stew.) Beef Stew with Cider and Cinnamon Ingredients 1-2 Tbsp olive oil ($.10) About 1 lb. beef stew meat ($2.39) 1 small red onion, chopped ($.30) 2 garlic cloves, crushed ($.10) 1 Tbsp steak seasoning … [Read more...]
Pimento Cheese – Two for One
Now, most would think of pimento cheese as a warm weather recipe. Visions of flip flops and sandwiches. In our household, we eat it year ‘round. During the holidays, it’s an easy stand by. In this, the week of two-for-ones and other shopping deals, I am sharing this staple for our Hodgepodge of seven. Because it’s hectic. You know what I’m talking about. Those weeks coming … [Read more...]
Black Bean and Cheese Tacos
4 Ingredients. 4 Minutes. You could have these ready in the same amount of time it takes the kids to unload their backpacks, change into play clothes and geth their homework lined up on the table. I'll show you how it's done! Minute 1: Get out a can of black beans, open it, drain it and dump it in a bowl. Reach into the fridge for the salsa, shredded cheese … [Read more...]
Raspberry Almond Pancakes
Y'all know about our Sunday morning Pancake Breakfast tradition, right?! I think I've mentioned it before. It started when Steve and I were first married. We made pancakes for breakfast most Sunday mornings. And then after a year or so, it became every Sunday morning. It was mostly a Steve thing. He is the pancake master. He knows just the right temperature of the … [Read more...]
Chunky Bolognese Sauce
I have been itching to make a Bolognese Sauce ever since Jamie emailed me her recipe during the Pantry Staples contest. I dug out the last of the bacon from the freezer, grabbed a few cans from the pantry, and pulled out the ground beef and veggies from this past week's grocery trip. I decided to double up and make 2 batches, as I found I had plenty to do so. And thought this … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Applesauce
I think I've accidentally started an After School Snack series for Wednesdays. Pretzel Pops and Pretzel-wiches Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies And again...more pumpkin. We just can't get enough of it! This Pumpkin Applesauce has always been one of Ryan and Charlie's favorite snacks. And it's fast becoming one of Tyler's favorites too! The boys love to take the … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Muffins with Cinnamon-Pecan Streusel
Couple things before we get to the recipe, 'kay?! First. Are feeling like you can't get enough pumpkin in?! I think that after the pumpkin shortage of 2009 and 2010 all I want to do is make pumpkin this, or pumpkin that. After not using pumpkin in any recipes since earlier in the year (when my holiday stockpile ran out), I'm find myself trying to make up for lost pumpkin … [Read more...]
Smothered Pork Chops Recipe
Smothered Pork Chops. Oh yes. We'll be making you again!!! And as you can see, we have yet again another sorta vague recipe. It leaves me wondering...How many chops?! Based on the fact that I doubled the celery and onion it called for and that was plenty for the 9 chops I had...I'm going with 4 chops for the original recipe. Place the flour with a little salt and … [Read more...]
Chicken Croquettes
I chose this recipe for the Vintage Recipe Week because it seemed simple, and it seemed like I'd be able to get it in under $5. But when I took a closer look at the recipe when I started on dinner, I came across two little problems. 1. I had no bread crumbs. 2. I had no white sauce. But never fear...I know how to make both. It'll just add a few minutes to the prep … [Read more...]
Pesto Bruschetta
Good Monday afternoon friends! You all are in for a treat this fine Monday. You're getting a double bonus on recipes today! This one, plus another tonight for the $5 Dinner Challenge! I was working on dinner over the weekend when Steve pops into the kitchen with a few handfuls of itty bitty tomatoes. Huh? I thought the garden was "done." I haven't officially closed … [Read more...]