Monique shared this recipe with me. Hello, scrumptious! I couldn't bring myself to buy the $2.49 jar of peach salsa. So I compromised and used the peaches I bought last week and the red onion from this week to make my own peach salsa. And ended up grilling it alongside the pork chops! I also grilled up some zucchini and tomatoes in the grilling basket! Pork … [Read more...]
Grilled Mojito Chicken
An easy marinade for the chicken...using the overflow of mint from the garden...I intended to grill this chicken, but ended up baking it because of a DOWNPOUR during dinner prep time. It was still delicious, but think it would have been better if grilled! Grilled Mojito Chicken An easy marinade for the chicken...using the overflow of mint from the … [Read more...]
How to Make Homemade Rice Milk
I have suspected a dairy allergy in both of my kids for a long time. Since nursing them, really. Without going into all the gory details, I knew something was just not right with their tummies and how they reacted to milk. I tried soy milk, and that seemed to help. But their the symptoms remained. We did several rounds of allergy and metabolic testing, only to come up short, … [Read more...]
Grilled Steaks
Despite the gray and drizzly day, we decided to grill steaks anyways! I found 2 packages of steaks in the freezer that needed to be used up. And since all the veggies are coming from the garden, I could keep this meal frugal even using both packages. Each package was almost 1 lb. 2 lbs of steak is way more than we need for our family, but I asked the Hubs to grill them both so … [Read more...]
Chicken Fajita Pizza
No photo tonight...because I have no Internet at my home at the moment. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I was none to happy with amount of time I spent on the phone trying to order a new modem. But at least they threw in free overnight shipping and a month of free service for the 4, yes 4, hours I spent calling around and finally ordering the new modem. So I'm posting … [Read more...]
Tomato Basil Quiche
This was a most delicious quiche! Straight from the garden! When it was time for dinner, I called the boys in from outside. Bubby asked what was for dinner and I thought about it for a second. Quiche. No. Don't tell him that. He won't eat it! "Egg Pie," I told him. "Yeah. I like egg pie." And he runs inside to wash up. By the time he gets to the table..."I … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Green Tomato Beef Roast
I intended to make a beef roast with diced tomatoes in the slow cooker today. But had a little change in plans...I found a green tomato on the ground when sweeping through the garden last night. My first thought was to fry it up, but I wanted to do something different. I thought adding it in with the roast would bring a different flavor to the typical beef … [Read more...]
Summer Squash Pasta Salad
Summer Squash Pasta Salad is a delightful dish, full of flavor and color! This recipe is the perfect summer meal. Take it to the next level with some grilled chicken! A most delicious pasta dish! How to Make Summer Squash Pasta Salad In medium saucepan, cook pasta noodles according to package instructions. Drain and rinse with cool water (if you wish to serve this … [Read more...]
Summer Side Salad
A nutritious and delicious summer side salad...or lunch! There are many great colors, textures and flavors in this dish. I set out to use up some of my corn...then threw in the FIRST tomato from my garden (more on that tomorrow!), then a cucumber that was on sale last week and needed to be used some chickpeas, parsley from the garden and a vinaigrette … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Black Beans and Rice
I {heart} rice and beans! Mostly because they make SUCH cheap meals! Even larger families or families with older children could make a meal with rice and beans that's less than $5! I encourage everyone to incroporate a rice and beans...or other vegetarian style meal into their weekly meal plan. Just an easy way to save a few bucks each week! I {heart} my slow … [Read more...]