For the past, um, year or so, I have not done a whole lot with potatoes. And for good reason. Ryan tested positive for a potato allergy, among other things. So I quickly removed them from our diet. A few weeks ago, we got the go ahead from both the allergist and the GI doctor to start reintroducing the more "tame" foods...or the ones he reacted to least...and see if he can … [Read more...]
Beef and Mushroom Kebabs
I made these the other night...I made an extra trip to the store to get the ingredients needed for this morning's news segment...and spotted some $.99 whole mushrooms. I see them often for $.99 in the mark down basket in the produce section. I found more this morning...sliced this time. I don't typically buy extra food when I'm getting food for news segments, but I couldn't … [Read more...]
How to Cut a Green Pepper {Video}
Or perhaps the wrong way to cut a green pepper?!? I am a total green pepper cutting rebel and do my own thing when it comes to dicing, slicing and cutting green peppers. I am not, however, a rebel without a cause. I definitely cut with a cause. In this case, freezing all these green peppers! In the end, I wound up with the following meal size portions: 6 … [Read more...]
Chicken and Bacon Florentine Pasta
Every had one of those super productive days...only to forget one very important thing on your to-do list. That thing: Make dinner. Eeps! That's what happened to me tonight. I scurried around all day, catching up on Mt. Washmore (yes, we have been home for 10 days and I still haven't caught up on laundry from the Savvy Blogging Summit!), helping the boys with a new puzzle … [Read more...]
Grilled Green Tomato Slices
Green Tomatoes. Always make me think of the grocery store parking lot scene from Fried Green Tomatoes...when Kathy Bates goes ballistic on the fiery young girls...'member that scene?! So that totally almost happened to me in the grocery store parking lot. Except, not really. I was pulling out of a prime time parking space (front and center!) when 2 cars moved into … [Read more...]
Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Drumsticks
A simple and delicious homemade honey mustard sauce. Let the drumsticks soak up the sauce, and then grill to perfection! How to Make Homemade Honey Mustard Sauce Combine the mustard, vinegar and honey. Whisk together. Brush onto the chicken and grill until cooked through. Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Drumsticks A simple … [Read more...]
Grilled Red Potato Salad
On the 4th of July, I had a bag of red potatoes and needed to make a "dairy-free" red potato for those of us who are not having dairy products these days, as well as a dairy-filled something or other. I made the Grilled Red Potatoes for the guys and me, and this for Steve and my MIL. It's a grilled spin-off of the Roasted Red Potato Salad that I made this … [Read more...]
Grilled Red Potatoes
For our 4th of July party, my MIL said she would be bring steaks. (Yes, please.) Steaks rarely fit into the $5 Dinners budget, so I was ecstatic that she would be bringing some to grill. I thought I'd grill some red potatoes to go with the steaks...but I was concerned with how long it would take to grill them. I discovered a method that would work perfectly. Fire up the … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Mexican Carnitas
Simple. Fuss-free. Tasty. (The only thing I wish I'd done before serving these was toast the tortillas in a hot skillet...just 30 seconds per side...give them a little flavor boost.) I have been waiting to make these since the beginning of March! Rather, these have been waiting for me to make them since the beginning of March!!! Slow Cooker Mexican … [Read more...]
Grilled Taco Burgers
So I'm just not that into plain burgers these days. After buying up all sorts of spices and making myself several cups of homemade taco seasoning, I figured the least I could do was use some to make taco burgers! This is not an exact I shall give you how much you should use per pound of meat. Here's one of my new favorite burgers... Grilled Taco … [Read more...]