Panini. Yes, please. Panini on the grill. Yes, yes, yes please. I don't have a panini maker. While I've thought a time or two about how it would be nice to have one, I've never been able to justify buying one for every now and then, especially when I've got a perfectly functioning grill and a brick covered with foil. Huh?! Yes, you read that right! You can use a … [Read more...]
Grilled Citrus Tilapia Packets
I recently got some tilapia for $1.99/lb. It's rarely that price, so I got enough for 2 meals (a little over a pound for each meal)...and now I'm wishing I'd gotten more. I'm on a grilling kick right now and really wanted to grill up some of the tilapia. Tilapia is a very delicate and tender fish and I knew it wouldn't stand a chance on the grill foil packet it … [Read more...]
No Sugar Strawberry Freezer Jam
Got a Surplus of Strawberries from a Sale or a Trip to the You Pick Them Farm?! Make this Strawberry Freezer Jam! When you accidentally come home with 17 lbs. of strawberries from a morning at the pick your own berry patch, you have to do something. And you have to do it fast. I started to can the strawberry jam, but quickly saw that if I continued on the canning … [Read more...]
Grilled Pizza Pockets
I am on a grilled pizza roll! I love the stuff. The kids love the stuff. We just can't get enough!! (I've got gluten free crust to make for Tyler and then freeze the extras for him to eat for lunch.) This week's Friday Night Bite is all about the grilled pizza pockets. Making your own pizza pockets...then cooking them on the grill. Make a homemade crust, or … [Read more...]
Mocha Brownies
Before you say it, yes...brownies were dessert of the month in April...just a few short weeks ago. But Caramel Cashew Brownies and these Mocha Brownies are different. Very, very different. I know. I know. This is really an indication that I have a brownie problem. Please. Send help. Brownies anonymous, anyone?! So I served these to a group of ladies last week...and … [Read more...]
Grilled “Greens” Pizza
I was out to dinner with some girlfriends the other night, as one of my dearest friends is headed to California now. :( We were chatting at dinner and Jackie casually mentioned that she had way too many greens in her "happy box" and I casually mentioned that I would gladly take them off her hands. She said I was welcome to them. I was half way serious. But she was … [Read more...]
Bread Machine Cheesy Herb Bread
Fifteen years ago when I bought my bread machine all I knew how to do with it was a buy a boxed mix, dump it in and press start. The problem with that is that prepared mixes are pretty expensive and they're just not that easy to find anymore. These days we use it for all sorts of things like making pizza dough and cinnamon rolls, and for experimenting with different varieties … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Cube Steak
A Simple, Flavorful Sunday Supper or Weeknight Dinner Meal - Slow Cooker Cube Steak Seven pile out of the family van. All with hungry tummies. Four more family members are arriving in ten minutes. What do I do? We need to eat SOON! Everyone's getting cranky, including me! It's Sunday after church. But as I come in the door, a wonderful smell greets me. Thank … [Read more...]
Lemon Pasta with Ham and Peas
When I think of pasta and peas together, I think of blue box macaroni with a can of tuna and a can or bag of frozen peas. Well, that's what I thought about pasta and peas before I really learned how to cook. The fun of cooking comes with exploring with flavors, textures and tossing together new ingredients. I'm always on the hunt for new favorite recipes, especially for … [Read more...]
Strawberry Rhubarb Baked Oatmeal
Now that it's rhubarb season...and the start of berry season, I thought a strawberry rhubarb baked oatmeal was in order. I took the baked oatmeal recipe from my Breakfast and Lunch Cookbook and gave it a few twists. And this is what I got... 3 stalks rhubarb. plus about 3 cups diced strawberries (that I froze recently.) Toss the strawberries and rhubarb … [Read more...]