When you "accidentally" pick 30 pounds of apples, you've got to do something...and do it quick! That's a whole lotta apples to process! One of the easiest things to do is make slow cooker applesauce. I intentionally picked a bunch of Golden Sup apples from the orchard because I knew they were a sweeter variety, and wouldn't require any sweetener to be a good applesauce. I … [Read more...]
Tomato Eggplant Frittata
As we head into this holiday weekend, I thought I'd leave you with a simple breakfast for dinner recipe. Or it would be perfect for breakfast this weekend, as you hang out with family and friends! This may in fact be the most flavorful frittata that I've ever made. This is not to put a damper on the other frittata recipes featured here or in my Breakfast and Lunch cookbook. … [Read more...]
Egg & Sausage Biscuits
It’s back to school time! That translates to: hurry with your homework, so we aren’t late for scouts, orchestra, school meetings, OT appointments, soccer, and wait, DINNER! I love sitting down to eat as a family, but sometimes that’s just not possible. It times like those that I love the egg biscuits! I’ve even tossed one out the door at a child who “didn’t have time to … [Read more...]
Whole Wheat Banana Strawberry Crumb Muffins (with no sugar!)
I don't remember the last time that I made muffins "from a box." And I'm afraid if I tried muffins from a box, I wouldn't like them. They may be extra sweet...but I'm afraid they wouldn't taste real. Or good even. Since I gave up processed sugar and white flours this month, I've had to get creative with baking. I did get some wheat berries and sucanat to help make some … [Read more...]
Pesto Stuffed Burgers
I've been dreaming about these burgers for a while. A long while...ever since the Inside Out Cheeseburgers from last summer. I've been pondering what other delicious things could go inside of a burger...why not pesto!?! A little homemade pesto. Some provolone cheese. A tomato, sliced just moments after picking from the garden. All together as a burger...grilled to … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Yogurt
With seven in our household it seems we are always out of something. Especially with the two eldest children constantly grazing. However, since I replaced store-bought yogurt with homemade slow cooker yogurt, I don’t have to ration yogurt cups. I can say yes, please have some yogurt. Slow cooker yogurt is so easy to make. The recipe is simple – just two ingredients. It also … [Read more...]
Chunky Spaghetti Sauce
When I first learned that Ryan did indeed have an allergy to dairy (after having suspected it for many months), I really started scouring labels. I knew for the most part what did and didn't have dairy or milk, but it can very sneaky and often finds it's way into a wide variety of processed foods. One of the items I quickly discovered that contained milk or cheese was jarred … [Read more...]
Grilled Pizza with Chicken, Avocado and Tomatoes
I made this pizza on Wednesday afternoon. The same afternoon I made some whole wheat, sugar free muffins (I will share the recipe as soon as I can make them again...I need to get my hands on some more sucanat first!). The afternoon I was feeling pioneer-ish! My neighbor was over and our kids were playing around the yard. We were catching up, talking about the upcoming school … [Read more...]
Peach Pie
One of my favorite summer things is glorious fruit. Peaches are in their glory right now and on sale for under $1 a pound. That tells me it's time to make pie! Fruit pies are such a simple and lovely allergy friendly dessert. Peach just so happens to be one of my favorites. Many people think that you need to have whipped cream, ice cream, or something similar for a slice of … [Read more...]
Chicken Fajita Melts
The final recipe from this month's pantry challenge. This is a new one to me. Maybe not to you. In the freezer I found chicken breasts, peppers and onion blend, loaf of reduced priced bread, slices of pepper jack cheese. And the pantry did make a contribution to the meal...some jarred salsa! Once I had it all out on the counter, it occurred to me that I bought some … [Read more...]