We absolutely love to grill out, really any time of the year, but we do seem to cook on the grill much more often in the summer months and these potatoes are one of our favorite dishes to make. I'd been planning to make them all week long but the weather hasn't cooperated since we've been getting buckets of rain so I made them in the oven tonight instead and they were just as … [Read more...]
Grilled Doughnuts Strawberry Shortcake
This recipe is exactly why I love what I do...I get to try all kinds of new things...the other night, it was Grilled Doughnuts. Used as the "shortcake" in strawberry shortcake. I shared with some friends that I was grilling doughnuts, and the response was "SHUT UP. That is not right." (I think she was a little jealous!) I don't make dessert all that often. When I do, it's … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Pot Roast
We have been alternating between high temperatures and flash floods. Every time it rains, I want comfort foods like pot roast and potatoes. But it is so hot that I don't want to turn on the oven. My slow cooker once again came to my rescue! I love that is allows me to cook family favorites without heating up the house. When I make my pot roast, I put the vegetables … [Read more...]
Juicy Salsa Burger
My boys love burgers. It's generally what they order off the kids' menu when we go out for dinner, and what they would request if I asked them what they wanted to grill for dinner. When Hellmann's asked us to give this new recipe for the Juicy Salsa Burger a try, I hoped it would be a hit with the family. I knew the burger part would be a hit...but I wasn't so sure about the … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup
This recipe is part of the 9 Organic Meals from Costco for $100 Plan. I love simple, load and go meals in the slow cooker. They make my life simple...and I especially love this one because my entire family will eat this without a grumble. Including the 18 month old! With this recipe, it helps to have the chicken cooked ahead of time and shredded. You can cook your chicken … [Read more...]
Grilled New York Pork Chops with Zucchini & Tomatoes
A few weeks ago, I was challenged by the National Pork Board to come up with a pork chop recipe for under $10...easy peasy! But what surprised me was that I had to use a New York Pork Chop. A New York Pork Chop??? What in the world is a New York Pork Chop? Sounds kinda like a steak to me. Well, I then learned that pork chops have recently been renamed...and that my wonder … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Lemon & Garlic Chicken
It's really unfortunate that photos can't communicate taste. And flavor infusion. Because seriously, I can taste the lemon and garlic flavors that infused perfectly into the chicken and the potatoes...just looking at the photo. I was actually quite surprised...as I've made a number of different garlic-chicken-potatoes slow cooker meals in the past, but not this one. This … [Read more...]
Chicken and Bean Enchilada Casserole
Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a quick meal idea for a loved one who is sick, recently had a baby or maybe had surgery. The easiest and simplest way to handle these situations is to have something ready in your freezer, a meal you didn't have to spend any extra time preparing, because you just doubled up a simple recipe like an enchilada casserole. This … [Read more...]
Spicy Lentil Soup Recipe
Lentils have a bad reputation. They are known for their bland taste, but they really don't have to be. With enough heat and kick, lentils can be transformed into a delicious, time-warming, taste bud-igniting spicy lentil soup. Try this recipe: Spicy Lentil Soup Recipe With enough heat and kick, lentils can be transformed into a delicious, time-warming, taste … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Baked Beans
I love baked beans. They are an essential part of our summer barbecues and picnics. But who wants to turn on their oven for several hours on a hot summer day? Not me! So I cheat and make my baked beans in a slow cooker. This slow cooker baked beans recipe is really easy to make. It is made of common pantry staples, but if you do not have molasses on hand, replace it with … [Read more...]