I sent a batch of this amazing fudge to my husband's office a few weeks back. It was cleared out before lunch! Fudge. Oh, fudge. Fudge is the perfect holiday sweet - rich, warm, cozy and soothing. As long as you can keep yourself from having too many squares and avoid a tummy ache, fudge is a delightful holiday treat. If you are the recipient of several boxes of fudge and … [Read more...]
Dipped Pretzel Sticks and Gift Tags
We absolutely adore our children's teachers and the other wonderful personnel at their school so the kids helped me whip up these Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Sticks for them, then I created these "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" gift tags to decorate them with. Now the kids are super excited to hand deliver them at school tomorrow! Feel free to download the gift … [Read more...]
Toffee Pretzel Bark
oh. my. if only we could reach through the screen... Toffee Pretzel Bark from Brown Eyed Baker i'm drooling... … [Read more...]
Double Chocolate Brownie Mix in a Jar
For all your chocolate loving friends...give them one of these :) Coming up with a holiday gift idea for everyone on your list can be a challenge sometimes, but who wouldn't enjoy food in a jar? In my opinion, the best and most practical gifts are those that can be eaten. So stop stressing about all the gifts you have to get this holiday season and start mixing! Baking … [Read more...]
Carrot Cake with Spiced Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting
There's just something about sour cream mixed into a cake batter. The added moisture and texture makes it so-so-so fluff-ilicious! And then the frosting…sneaking in a little Breakstone’s sour cream into this cake’s frosting for a perfect balance of sweet and tangy with every bite. This cake is the perfect end to any holiday meal…it’s light, … [Read more...]
Homemade Pie Crust Recipe
I learned something about homemade pie crusts recently. Most people are scared of them. And completely overwhelmed with the thought of making a homemade pie crust. Huh. Really? I want to know...are you overwhelmed by the thought of making your own pie crust? Have you ever considered skipping past the pre-made rolled crusts from the store? Or you an old pre at homemade … [Read more...]
Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice
As promised, my homemade pumpkin pie spice mix recipe. You'll notice that it's very similar to the apple pie spice...just adds ginger and a bit more cinnamon. And just like I said the other day, "why buy a jar of spice that you only need 1-2 teaspoons of when you can mix up your own with what you've got already?!" Over time, you accumulate all the spices you need to … [Read more...]
Pumpkin – Canned or Homemade???
Katie asks... I have read many of your posts this year and last about pumpkin. As someone who makes many items from scratch (chicken stock, etc.), why do you use canned pumpkin? I cook up a few sugar pumpkins each fall, and freeze the puree for future pies, pancakes... whenever we are craving the taste of fall. It seems easy to do, so I wondered why use canned? I'd love your … [Read more...]
Homemade Apple Pie Spice
As we head into pie season, you might take a peek in your spice rack and see if you have the spices needed to make homemade apple pie spice recipe. (Here's my homemade pumpkin pie spice recipe!) There is no need to spend $5-$6 on a apple pie spice jar from the spice aisle, when you already have the ingredients you need to mix up your own. And you can mix up … [Read more...]
Double Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
I learned something new about chocolate chip cookies a few weeks ago. And I decided to put the theory to the test. I made these double peanut butter chocolate chip cookies...then took them to a church picnic...and they got RAVE reviews. I recently stumbled upon a New York Times article about the science and history of how chocolate chip cookies became so popular and … [Read more...]