So black-eyed peas...they're kinda plain. It's like they're crying out for help! Crying out for zest and zip!!! And what better ingredients to help than mustard greens and some zesty jalapeno diced tomatoes! You'd never have known these were black eyed peas in this dish! Let me show you how it's made. Serve it over … [Read more...]
Sweet Pumpkin Cream of Rice Cereal
A while back we discovered Cream of Rice cereal when Ryan was on a gluten-free diet. (We have since learned he is only sensitive to rye, but not other wheat products.) When cleaning out the pantry and stockpile recently, I discovered a box of Cream of Rice cereal behind some cans. Charlie about jumped out of his skin, he was so excited! We used to "bury" frozen blueberries … [Read more...]
Cajun Meatball Stew
Several months ago, Jamie emailed me a very simple recipe for Cajun Meatball Stew. It's one of those recipes that has been sitting in the back of the recipe file in my brain...waiting for it's chance to be made. And enjoyed! As I was doing the freezer inventory last week (and working on the Freezer Staples List), I noticed that I had several bags of frozen … [Read more...]
Ship Wreck Casserole – Vintage Recipe
Ship Wreck Casserole! A delicious vintage recipe from the 1960's! It's Vintage Recipe Week. And all I can think about is my Grammy in the kitchen. I have many a memory of her working hard in the kitchen...working to feeding her brood. As I made this Ship Wreck Casserole, I could only think about her in 1940. She would have been a teenager, and it would … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Curried Coconut Chicken
Can I just say that the slow cooker rocks?! I'm sure those of you who use them regularly will agree. Here's how it went down for us today. Got up this morning around 8. Breakfasted. (Can that be a verb?!) Put on our coats. (Hello, 39 degrees.) Went to the gym. While running, I remembered that I forgot to start the slow cooker. *sigh* Fast forward a few hours. Through … [Read more...]
Stuffed Green Chile Chicken
So I grabbed some green chilies a few weeks ago when I was stocking up (and going over-budget, sigh!)...and I had plans to make a green chile chicken in the slow cooker...but decided to pound out the chicken and roll it around the green chilies instead. I paired this with brown rice, corn kernels and green some green beans from the garden. I'm glad I changed my … [Read more...]
Scampi Tilapia
I dug some tilapia fillets out of the freezer. I bounced out to the garden to pick some fresh parsley from the garden, thinking I was going to do the same old Lemon-Dill Tilapia thing (that's my fall back for when I'm feeling uninspired)...but of course, I opened the fridge to grab the lemon juice...and the garlic bulb practically jumped off the shelf! Parsley, lemon juice, … [Read more...]
Stuffed Poblano Peppers
(Sorry about the funny photos this week...I posted them from our desktop and it does weird things to them?!) Here's what I love about this recipe. You can make a ton of the "filling" and use it so many different ways! The recipe for the filling that I will post below will easily stretch into 3 meals! You could... Stuff the filling into green peppers, or other bell … [Read more...]
Repurposing: Brown Rice
I have the perfectly easy recipe, if you are looking for options of how to repurpose brown rice! Brown rice. It's my preferred rice. We have white rice on occasion, usually when I'm running behind and forget to start the brown rice in time to cook (it takes at least 45 minutes to cook.) But I have found that I only like brown rice "fresh." Therefore, I typically … [Read more...]
Grilled Balsamic Chicken
So it's almost 90 today here in Ohio. I'm sure it's some sort of heat record. And if it's not it should be. It's making me tired. And cranky. And the bazillion little cottonwood seeds drifting through the air, and some other pollen are wrecking havoc on my allergies. (I just took a Benadryl, so if the end of this doesn't make sense, you'll know why.) I turned the A/C on this … [Read more...]