I really prefer to feed my family home cooked meals, but some days that just isn't as easy as others. For example, I like to prepare pizza dough ahead of time and keep it in the freezer for future meals, however there are days that the family wants pizza but I completely forget to take the dough out to thaw in time. Here are a few tips and tricks for using grocery store … [Read more...]
Pizza Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Growing up my mom often made tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. And I'll be honest, it wasn't one of my favorite meals. But when I saw Erin's Carmelized Onion Grilled Cheese, I thought, "Now that's a grilled cheese sandwich!" Her adaptation made me start thinking of ways I could alter traditional grilled cheese sandwiches to make them more appealing to my children. (and … [Read more...]
Easy Stromboli Recipe
Busy weeknights, simple lunch time, a favorite for all time. My friend Kim's stromboli recipe is an easy way to fill tummies. I usually keep it simple with shredded cheese and turkey pepperoni for filling. But you can make it heartier with lunch meat like Kim does. This recipe is easily adaptable according to how cheesy you and your family prefer your stromboli. I … [Read more...]
Pizza Quesadillas
My family is pulled in so many directions during December: Church Christmas pageants, caroling, recitals, school finals, parties, and shopping. All of these activities make it harder for us to sit down as a family and enjoy a meal together. My solution? Fast and easy recipes that can be assembled in minutes and made with ingredients that will convince everyone to find room in … [Read more...]
Thai Chicken Pizza
Evening y'all! I had all kinds of grand intentions of getting this recipe posted on Friday...but that just didn't happen! I took the boys down to Cincinnati to the Lego Kidsfest on Friday night. Let's just say that they were in little boy heaven. The tickets were a little pricey for my taste, but after being there and seeing the glee and joy on their little faces I've … [Read more...]
Buffalo Chicken Pizza with Blue Cheese & Caramelized Onions
Ever since making those Buffalo Chicken Blue Cheese Enchiladas, I've been itching to put the same flavors on a pizza. And now that I have, I'm kicking myself for not doubling this pizza. Because it needs to be doubled. Because it deserves to be doubled. About a week ago, I was talking to my cousin ...and we got on the subject of pizza. I told him how I've been wanting to … [Read more...]
Homemade Pizza Crust Recipe
This is my go-to pizza crust recipe. It has never failed me. And I've heard from many of you, that it has never failed you either! If I make it with half white flour and half whole wheat flour, I add 2 Tbsp extra water. And I don't generally make it "full whole wheat"...It's just too grainy for our liking. Save yourself a few bucks and make your own crust next time you're … [Read more...]
Homemade Mini Calzones
These are similar in size to the popular frozen "pizza pockets" that teenagers love. These can be made very economically at home. They are also larger than the frozen version, and are more filling.  This recipe requires you to make your own dough, which will take extra time. If you are in a hurry, you can buy pre-made pizza dough in the refrigerator section of your local … [Read more...]
Homemade Frozen Pizzas
I have been buying a lot of single - size frozen pizzas lately. My teenagers love them. I finally decided to try making my own version. Using this recipe, you can make 8 small pizzas that are 7" in size. These can be frozen and quickly heated later on a busy night. Or you can have them available for the children at any time. I use an easy, no-yeast pizza dough recipe I made … [Read more...]
4 Things You Can Make With Pizza Dough
I always like to keep some pizza dough on hand in the freezer for those nights that we just need a quick meal, but there are lots of other things that you can do with the dough in addition to making pizza! These Garlic Knots are super quick and easy, and there are never any leftover when I make them! Divide the dough into eight pieces and roll them into ropes using your … [Read more...]