The other day I found an awesome recipe that was so simple yet so good, I knew I had to share it with you! A hot croissant wrapped around Brie. Ingenious!! But wait, my reoccurring dinner problem....2 out of 5 are such picky eaters. I just didn't think they would eat Brie. But, I so wanted to try it out. So, for you, the dear readers of $5 dinners, I threw myself on the … [Read more...]
Maple-Walnut Muffins
When signing books in Minneapolis last week, the lovely folks at Barnes and Noble asked if I'd like to take a book with me, as a thank you. My "dessert of the month" challenge came immediately to mind, and I knew that I had to get a baking cookbook of some sort. After careful deliberation, and much drooling, over at least 20 books about baking, each with stunning photographs, I … [Read more...]
Raspberry Almond Pancakes
Y'all know about our Sunday morning Pancake Breakfast tradition, right?! I think I've mentioned it before. It started when Steve and I were first married. We made pancakes for breakfast most Sunday mornings. And then after a year or so, it became every Sunday morning. It was mostly a Steve thing. He is the pancake master. He knows just the right temperature of the … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Muffins with Cinnamon-Pecan Streusel
Couple things before we get to the recipe, 'kay?! First. Are feeling like you can't get enough pumpkin in?! I think that after the pumpkin shortage of 2009 and 2010 all I want to do is make pumpkin this, or pumpkin that. After not using pumpkin in any recipes since earlier in the year (when my holiday stockpile ran out), I'm find myself trying to make up for lost pumpkin … [Read more...]
Pesto Bruschetta
Good Monday afternoon friends! You all are in for a treat this fine Monday. You're getting a double bonus on recipes today! This one, plus another tonight for the $5 Dinner Challenge! I was working on dinner over the weekend when Steve pops into the kitchen with a few handfuls of itty bitty tomatoes. Huh? I thought the garden was "done." I haven't officially closed … [Read more...]
Homemade Biscuit Donuts
Making donuts is a family favorite for breakfast, dessert, and craft time! This is one activity that has all ages in the kitchen talking, laughing and shaking things up! Homemade Biscuit Donuts A special treat that is easy to make! 2 cans biscuitsGranulated sugarVegetable oil Line up the biscuits assembly line style.Use a cap from a 20 oz. soda (or … [Read more...]
Mixed Berry Bread Recipe
Every have one of those..."Oh, I just have to stop what I'm doing and make"...moments?! That totally happened to me this weekend. I stopped what I was doing (rather, procrastinated on what I was supposed to be doing) and made these little goodies. Best part is the recipe makes plenty...enough to eat and freeze! Here's what happened before I had that moment. I … [Read more...]
Blueberry Lemon Pancakes
Breakfast for dinner...a smart way to reduce your grocery budget...simply incorporate 1 of these meals into your weekly meal plan and be on your way to spending less! Making pancakes from scratch has been something I have done for many years! I had lots of fun coming up with (and tasting) a bunch of different pancakes for my Breakfast and Lunch Cookbook. This … [Read more...]
Eggplant Rosemary Focaccia Bread
How to Cook Eggplant Rosemary Focaccia Bread Turned out to be quite good...a little tough on the edges...but what a yummy combination of flavors! Get your ingredients ready. Thinly slice the eggplant. Sprinkle with salt to draw out bitter juices. Then rinse and pat dry. Chop the rosemary and crush the garlic. You'll use the garlic to … [Read more...]
Blackberry Mini-Muffins or Mini-Cupcakes
Blackberries. I love their sweetness and their tartness. I grabbed a few packages for a buck at the store last week. And I just had to make some muffins, or are they cupcakes? I'm not sure what to call them. Because they really could be both. They are that versatile. I love how when berries bake, their little juice pods pop and the juice runs all over! Mmm. Now scroll … [Read more...]