These pancakes are inspired by 2 things... 1. My Cinnamon Roll Baked Oatmeal. (Which is basically baked oatmeal with cinnamon chips and white chocolate chips mixed in the batter!) 2. The way-too-complicated methods and recipes that I've seen for Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. I'm all about the simpler-the better. I don't have time for crazy and fancy. These Cinnamon Roll … [Read more...]
20 Meals for $150 ~ Summer Pantry Staple & Freezer Friendly Edition
Does it make you tired just thinking about planning and cooking meals this summer? We have the meal plan solution that will save you time and money. As much at $100 per month and 3 hours per week. Summer is here and I don't know about you, but I want to spend as much time as I possibly can with my kids and enjoying all the fun that summer brings! But doesn't it feel … [Read more...]
Bacon-Ranch Meatloaf
Bacon. Yes, again. It feels like just about every other Paleo recipe that I've ever seen has bacon in it. Even the dessert recipes. (Well, maybe not the desserts...but I have seen bacon laced cupcakes before! Can't decide how I feel about those!) This is an outstanding meatloaf. It's loaded with bacon (both inside and on top) and the lovely flavors of ranch dressing mixed … [Read more...]
NEW! 6-Week Vegetarian Meal Plan Available!!!
We’re soooo excited and we just can’t hide it!!! The Vegetarian Meal Plan is finally available for you. Aviva, Jim and I are thrilled to share this with brand new 6-Week Vegetarian Meal Plan that we pulled together, just for you! We know how easy it is to get into a rut and make the same 10 things over and over and over and over….and over again. Yes, we know. The struggle is … [Read more...]
See How the Grocery Budget Makeover Will Change Your Life…
My friend. Today I want to tell you about my new grocery budget makeover and how it will help you completely change the way you shop for you’ll be spending less time and money on groceries each week. Wahoooo and cha-CHING! I’ve put together everything I know about saving money on groceries and plugged it into a ‘makeover program’ that we’ll walk through … [Read more...]
20 Meatless School Lunch Ideas
It’s almost ready, I promise! The first ever Vegetarian Meal Plan here on $5 Dinners will be available in just a couple days. While we finish dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s, we thought we’d share this amazing list of 20 Meatless (School) Lunch Ideas with you. Wait Erin, who is ‘we’? I mentioned this the other day...that I’ve teamed up with Aviva Goldfarb … [Read more...]
Firecracker Pork Chops
Yes, yes, yes...we have another 31 Days series for you this May! (Can you believe it's May already? I know I say that at the start of every month, but it feels like April Fool's Day was yesterday.) I started our 31 Days series this very day, one year ago with the 31 Days of Gluten Free recipes. I had no clue that you'd love them as much as you do...which is why we … [Read more...]
Paid Chores vs. Non-Paid Chores
Teaching Tyler how to be the "Dish Fish" We recently implemented a new chore system for the boys...and there is no money attached to these chores. I know that's a hotly debated topic, and while I'd love to hear your thoughts...I'd also love to have a productive conversation about chores! First off, our boys do have certain chores that they earn a small payment for … [Read more...]
New 6-Week Paleo Meal Plan Available from The $5 Meal Plan's finally here! Thank you so much for your patience. I know you've been asking for this for what feels like forever and it's done. Finished. And ready to be saved to your computer! The Paleo and Whole30 eating plans have taken the world by storm and I'm delighted to say that it is totally possible to 'do them' on a budget. I've pulled together some phenomenal and … [Read more...]
Free Kid-Friendly Meal Plan from $5 Meal Plan!
Morning friend! I'm still yawning and trying to get my act together for the day. I'm still recovering from yesterday's adventures with the boys in the field of bluebonnets taking photos, followed by a really late and long T-ball game! (This is my Charlie giving me a 'look' yesterday!) Anyhoo...Wednesdays are usually pretty productive for I have a solid work block … [Read more...]