Have you started to notice any food price increases for the ingredients you’re buying on the regular?! Here are 3 ways to fight food prices and inflation…
Food prices are on the rise. And it’s not just one sector or set of ingredients.
It’s everything this time.
And it’s time to start paying attention and keep an eye on prices in your area.
During an inflation season, one of the first places that it hits us the hardest is our food dollars.
Because we eat EVERY DAY.
It starts as a slow creep, then all of a sudden you notice you’re spending $40-$50-$80-$100 more a month on groceries…and you haven’t really changed what you buy.
Of course, there are seasonal fluctuations and sometimes temporary price increases across different ingredient categories.
But full markey inflation has a different affect on food prices. It affects them all. And once they are up, they stay up.
While I don’t intend to unpack the politics or economics of this of this, I do want to share some ways to help you manage your grocery budget through this inflationary season.
Now is the time you need to be tracking and paying close attention to all your food dollars. Note: this includes both grocery prices and dining out prices.
Check prices for competitor products, buy generic (if it’s cheaper – it isn’t always lower in price!), find a substitute.
Identify 5-10 products that you might be overspending on now, and figure out cheaper alternatives.
This will help offset the general rise in food prices.
Make a plan for your meals.
I know it…sometimes things happen, or you aren’t in the mood.
STICK TO IT ANYWAYS. (Said in my nicest, yet stern-mom voice!)
Fight through it and stick to it.
If you planned to make something, make it.
Because what happens when you go off plan…
You overspend on takeout/delivery/drive thru.
(I’m not against those things…unless they were not part of the original plan!)
I repeat…
Okay, I think that’s enough about that! 😉
I always tell people this.
If you learn ANYTHING from me, let it be this…
Buy extra packages of meat when it’s on sale and turn it into freezer meals.
Fastest way to save $$ on groceries is that right there.
Get it on sale, don’t have to buy meat in between sales cycles!
Your goal for this week: Buy extra of whatever is on sale and get a few meals put up into the freezer.
Ultimately, this is what I’ve been teaching and preaching for the past decade. But as we navigate this season and work to be the best stewards of our grocery dollars, these reminders, ideas and tips will help you keep your food spending in check!
Now, go fight the food prices and inflation!
Erin “inflation-proof my grocery dollars” Chase
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